
We know all too well what PMS is right. And how it can make us feel…. Maybe a little (or alot;) edgy, tired, crampy, emotional, irritated and distracted, noticing how our relationships begin to change with ourselves, our parents and friends. This can leave us feeling emotions of fear, stress anxiety disconnection and even depression. With this powerfully positive practice I’m about to share with you – you can find harmony & balance amongst the changes going on around you as well as within your mind, body and spirit as you move through this transition from being a girl to becoming a woman. You can also empower yourself to find peace in a world that can be quite confusing and scary! News channels and social media often send fear based messages and distorted truths of what happiness is supposed to look like and feel like. This can make us feel fearful, less than and unworthy, like we do not have enough or will never be enough. We can’t always control what is going on around us. Whether it’s media chaos or daily stress from school, work, competition and social pressure. We can however be the calm amongst the chaos – Be the eye of the storm!

With a daily GY practice of PMSE BALANCE, we empower ourselves to be balanced Physically – Mentally – Spiritually – Emotionally, harnessing the power within to build TRUST – creativity – LOVE – gratitude – empathy – SELF EXPRESSION – confidence – communication – COLLABORATION – intelligence and CONNECTION!

Empower Yourself to:

  • live life fearlessly
  • be attractive
  • create happy, healthy habits and relationships
  • set intentions
  • fulfill your goals & dreams
  • be an exceptional choice maker
  • Love & embrace all that you are
  • empathize and connect with others
  • communicate and express your authentic self without fear of judgement
  • collaborate with others
  • integrate the SEA of intelligence within you (social-emotional-academic)
  • allow your beautiful spirit to shine

*THE PRACTICE – PMSE BALANCE is not just a class. It is an experience that flows into your daily routine in school, home, and life! Practice Makes Present 🙂


Exercise. Eat. Sleep.
Exercise, Eat clean and Sleep your way to optimal physical health!

click here for physical practice

Get up – Get out – Get moving! Do something to make you sweat! Create a daily exercise practice that will elevate your heart rate and your mood:-) Eat clean and create routines to Rest well.
The Practice……..Exercise 4 – 6 days a week, 20 minutes – 1 ½ hr a day. Walk, run, hike, pump iron, GroovYoga, you choose! Join GroovYoga fb page for short GY practices. Eat Clean. This is an inside/out job so eat clean! Feed your mind/body/spirit with lots of veggies, whole foods and water. Feed your soul by sharing meals with loved ones (NO phones at the table please ;)… or try a meal in silence to promote mindfulness. Sleep – In the morning it’s get up – get out – get moving! At night it’s Rest, relax, restore and rejuvenate your m/b/s with a good night sleep. You can do this by creating an evening routine. Turn off your phones, computers and tv 1 hr before bedtime and take a bath, use your favorite relaxing essential oils and sprays (click here to order GY sig. oils and sprays). Enjoy a quick restorative GY practice or do self care to ensure a good night’s sleep:-) Click here to get a short restorative GY practice on GroovYoga fb Choose one or all and nighty night 🙂


Read. Learn. Grow
Read, Learn and grow in a SEA of intelligence (Social-Emotional-Academic)

click here for MENTAL practice

Read a book, a magazine, a passage or take an online course you have been wanting to. This can be to deepen your knowledge of something that sparks your interest or branch out and learn an entirely new subject, your choice! You do not need to be an academic wiz to learn, just put your mind and your heart into it! I teach this song to my little kids, it’s simple, smart and true! Learn to – Do what you LOVE – LOVE what you do and SERVE others! Sing it!

The Practice…… Read 10 minutes – hours a day 🙂 Reading a good book, a magazine, a passage or take an online course. Choose something that interests you and brings you joy, or step out of your comfort zone. Learn by asking questions and listen. Rest for a few minutes after learning to allow your new found knowledge and wisdom to settle in to your beautiful brain. You will feel clear and focused throughout the day. Don’t forget to sing your song 🙂


Meditate. Commune. Connect.
Meditate, commune and connect to present moment awareness and your beautiful essence – your spirit

click here for practice

Finding stillness in the creative womb of silence is essential to connect with our spirit, which is our true self our beautiful essense. If we want to feel our passion, learn our purpose, and reach our full potential we must disconnect from our phones, computers, outside activities and be still. Even if just for a moment….meditate, commune with nature and connect with silence, stillness, Source.

The Practice………Meditate 5 – 30 minutes once or twice a day 🙂 Sit in a relaxed manner, close your eyes – breathe in and out through your nose – relax your shoulders – soften your face and with each exhale feel more at peace. It is helpful to use a mantra in case random thoughts or to do lists come to mind. Use mantras such as “be still” or “let go” Let’s try…. Inhale Be…exhale Still and continue. Commune with the gifts of nature! Go outside and breathe it in….What do you feel? The warmth and energy from sunshine, the breeze, the rain or the crisp cold air. Listen to birds, the leaves, ocean waves and life going on around you. See and hear nature’s beauty and soak it into your spirit.


Journal. Gratitude. Self Care.
The art of Journaling, Gratitude and Self Care allows you to emotionally detox and open your m/b/s to all the love & joy you want and deserve. set powerful, positive intentions to manifest the life you imagine

click here for practice

Journaling is a simple and powerful tool to release negative feelings of anger, fear, sadness and let go of what no longer serves you or anyone around you. It can help you forgive those who caused you pain. I know this may seem hard. This does not belittle the pain you feel, nor does it condone others behavior. This empowers you to begin a journey into healing, and open room in your heart and soul for all of the love & happiness you want and deserve, as well as set powerful, positive intentions to manifest the best life you imagine! Live with an attitude of gratitude 🙂

The Practice……..Journal – 2- 10 minutes
Journal Release Write down what causes your anger, fear, resentment and sadness. Now rip it out, ball it up and throw it away! Gratitude Journal Enliven joy in your life by writing something, someone that you are grateful for, or maybe a special place that makes you feel safe, happy. Manifest what you want by writing what your intentions for today, tomorrow or the future! What do you want to manifest in your life? Write as many intentions as you want and be specific.

Self Care – Click here for quick and simple self care techniques to relieve stress from school, home, work, competition and social pressures. Or go to GroovYoga fb page